No emo bullshit here. This is created for my rhetoric class, which is good because it gives me incentive to back my shit up after talking all kinds of trash about teenage asian girls' xangas. This will most likely not be any better. Probably worse.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

it's prime time, baby.

I feel like an old ass motherfucker talking about 'the old days'. But for christ's sake it's been 11 years. All I'm left with now is Deion slurring about gators and library cards to remind myself the 'boys used to be a powerhouse. Shit's embarrassing. I mean, I don't really expect the glory days all over again, but come on. It isn't even all Tony Homo's fault either. We wouldn't have to be in that situation if TG's dumb ass held on to the ball. I couldn't believe I was in a room with 10 other guys praying that we would be awarded a safety. A SAFETY! So many things went wrong and we were still in the lead only to fuck it up as only the Dallas Cowboys know how.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.