hahahahahahahahahaha. 9/22.
-im having a hard time deciding, but cassie might be the hottest broad in top 40 right now. maybe its cause i have a thing for those mixed, melting-pot types. tiger woods style. no homo. releasing a first single about protein shakes doesn't hurt either.
-everybody knows already, but lonelygirl15 isn't real. not much of a surprise, but apparently theyre not selling anything. just a couple mid-20s types trying to get noticed. as for the girl, she's still pretty, but she won't be sacrificed on an altar. so win-win?
-you should watch the wire. every season is amazing. the intensity and storytelling is unparalleled. s04e01 pt 1, pt 2.
-dane cook is not funny. he can not write a joke to save his life. he just yells a lot and makes stupid gestures. meathead 'bros' think hes the funniest thing since the last football game, where they berate the kids they drunkenly fall on as 'faggots'.
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