would you trust this guy?
So tonight I decided to ask my parents about a question that weighs heavily on my mind: Who do you trust less?
a) Jews
b) Muslims
My mother gave a very politically correct answer at first: 'that depends on the person, I'd have to meet them first. Their religion does not dictate their trustworthiness.'
But then she said... 'but I don't trust Jews much.'
My dad asked her how she could not trust Jews when she believes in the Bible.
Her reply: 'the Jews don't have that much to do with the Bible.'
Mistaken theological facts or not, she does have a point. A common thread throughout the world's different cultures is the fact that none of them particularly trust the juden. You'd think that Chinese people, who share such a strong similarity to the juden's financial handling skills, would be more understanding of god's chosen people. Wrong.
So the question is this: can the whole world seriously be drinking the same flavor of haterade for this many millennia?